
personal pages »
Such an expression for he who is concerned with writing may seem rather
Here one will thus find, on top of the expected
answers to the queries about the author (biography,
bibliography, and so on …), a few extracts of several
styles (texts not yet gathered in a volume, drafts, travel
sketch-books, critical essays) and above all the presence of
a few fellow travellers (poets, prose writers, painters …)
: a subjective, mobile, personal or impersonal anthology …
The corner of a canvas wherefrom threads draw towards other lines and other
voices, may be the shelves of an imaginary bookcase or the beams of an imaginary
"The Other
Voices International Project is a cyber-anthology that erases the
boundaries of nations, ethnicities, religions, cultures, and age
to bring you some of the world's best poetry. No poetry or art is
used in this project unless permission has been granted by the
artist or his/her estate."
- Another presentation on Double
room, journal of prose poetry
- The Inkwell's Monologue,
translated by Dawn Cornelio from unpublished poetry, VVV Editions
VVV, Halifax, 2005
- A Matter of Blue,
translated by Dawn Cornelio from Jean-Michel Maulpoix's Une
histoire de bleu, Boa Editions, Rochester, 2005.
"A Matter of
Blue has gone through
multiple French printings and is noted poet, essayist, and critic
Jean-Michel Maulpoix's most publicly and critically acclaimed book.
Throughout the collection, prose poems and blank verse operate on a
recognizable, accessible level, offering a narrative voice
struggling for understanding in a postmodern, sometimes desolate
world. "In A Matter of Blue Jean-Michel Maulpoix
uses the color blue to encompass melancholy and nostalgia, but also
the joy and hope inherent in life. Even if the gods' presence
can no longer be taken for granted, blue still remains to accompany
us in our daily lives, although it may suffer from fatigue and be
unsure of its own strength."
--Dawn Cornelio from the
translator's introduction.

French original issue, Mercure de France 1992
Poetry magazine
The combined October-November issue of
POETRY Magazine,
released 28th September 2000, is a special triple-size number devoted
to contemporary poetry in French by 39 poets, some of whom will be
appearing in English for the first time. Co-edited with noted critic
and essayist John Taylor and National Book Award winning poet Marilyn
Hacker, the issue begins with Julien Gracq and other writers who began
publishing early in the 20th century, and covers the latter half of the
century, concluding with younger poets such as Jean-Michel Maulpoix and
Pascalle Monnier. The contents are uniquely broad in that the editors
considered important recent work by all Francophone poets, regardless
of whether the author lives in France or is a French citizen.